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MNP Debt Blog

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Following nearly seven years of sustained, near historic low interest rates, Canadian debtholders were surprised this summer when the Bank of Canada introduced two back-to-back increases in less than three months.

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Will Debt Haunt Those Left Behind When You Die?

If you want to leave a legacy when you pass away, defeat debt before you retire. Otherwise all you leave may be paperwork and memories.

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How Debt Could Be A Problem For Canadians

Owing, in large part, to nearly seven years of ultra-low interest rates, low-barrier borrowing and the relative affordability of credit, Canadians are further in debt than ever before.

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Why Its Important To Pay Off Your Debts Before Retirement

The number of Canadians aged 65 and older is increasing rapidly. By 2030, they will make up more than one quarter of the country’s population.

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How Would It Feel to be Debt Free?

Whoever said money can’t buy happiness has never worked tirelessly for two weeks only to have an over drafted bank account swallow their entire paycheque...

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Creating a detailed budget is the first step to getting your finances in order. But don’t’ forget these 10 overlooked expenses.

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Student Life Doesn’t Need to Include Heaps of Student Debt!

Student life doesn’t need to include heaps of student debt. Start budgeting today to set yourself up for a financially secure post-secondary future!

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Birthdays tend to be a time of celebration and reflection and Canada’s 150th birthday is no exception.

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Graduation A Time Of Financial Change For The Whole Family

While some of those challenges may seem far in the distance, they will be on your doorstep sooner than you think.

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Tempering the excitement of buying with some sober expense calculations will make for a happier homeowner experience in both the short and longer term.

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