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MNP Debt Blog

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Be SMART When Setting Financial Goals

Everyone has financial dreams. Whether it’s getting out of debt, building a nest egg for retirement, purchasing a home or going on vacation – visualizing any number of desired results comes naturally.

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Mental Health and the Foresight of the Bankruptcy & Insolvency Act

I doubt that mental health was on the minds of legislators when the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA) came into effect in 1950.

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Start Planning Now To Avoid That Holiday Debt

If you listen carefully, you can already hear the subtle sound of sleigh bells off in the distance – just above the cheerful voices of tellers upselling stocking stuffers at the till.

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Invest In Retirement Or Keep Focusing On Debt?

As a consumer finance professional, I field a lot of questions about money. But few do I experience more often than the age old — “Should I invest in my retirement or pay off my debt?”

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People often cite unexpected expenses as one of the main reasons they began using their credit cards at the beginning of a debt cycle.

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With the ever-rising cost of post-secondary education comes increased student loan debt.

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Surviving An Income Reduction

Surviving an income reduction can be extremely difficult, particularly if it results from an unexpected event such as layoff, termination or reduced hours of employment.

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Can I Get A Mortgage If I'm In Debt?

Many people dream of owning a home. But with consumer debt in Canada at an all-time high, a significant number may worry that goal is out of reach.

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Financial Lessons A Father Teaches You

As a father, there are several financial lessons I hope I’ve passed along to my children. These are valuable bits of wisdom I’ve learned from my parents, personal experience and through my work as an accountant and Licensed Insolvency Trustee.

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Your wedding will only last one day, but your marriage is for the rest of your life.

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