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MNP Debt Blog

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Financial Scams

Financial scams have been around for decades. But they have never been as common, insidious and invasive as they are today.

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What are my debt consolidation options?

Consolidation is one of the options you may choose to investigate if your debt payments have become overwhelming.

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Seniors and Debt

Just when seniors should be relaxing and enjoying the fruits of their labour, many find themselves struggling financially — an unsettling contrast to the ease they’d hoped to live their golden years.

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Can you buy a vehicle when you’re in Bankruptcy?

Provided under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, Bankruptcy law aims to balance your need for a financial fresh start with your creditors’ right to recover a portion of the money they’re owed.

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Young people and debt Strategies to avoid lifelong financial challenges

Today’s youth face wide range of financial challenges that were largely unheard of a generation ago. Why are relatively young people facing such high debt loads and shaky financial futures so early in life? Let’s look at some obvious and not...

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Five Tips for Managing Your Finances During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The ongoing uncertainty and instability caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have many people concerned about how they’re going to weather the months ahead.

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What Is Lifestyle Creep And How Do I Avoid It?

Lifestyle creep is the tendency for people to increase their spending in proportion to increased income or availability of credit for material / non-material wants like consumer goods or experiences.

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The Pros And Cons Of Joint Financing And Debt

There are several reasons why you might consider joint financing debt.

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Whichever holiday debt you’re carrying – or may be thinking of incurring – now’s as good a time as any to change course and make it go away for good.

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Is Debt Stress Affecting Your Sleep?

When all is quiet and your body finally stops at the end of the day, your mind doesn’t always follow suit — especially if you’re struggling with financial stress.

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