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MNP Debt Blog

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What is good debt?

Given the growing concerns around Canada’s consumer debt crisis, it’s only natural to paint it in broad strokes as universally bad. However, that’s not always the case.

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What can I do to assess my financial health?

If you’re like most people, you (at least try to) go to the doctor every year for your annual physical. Why? Because a clean bill of health buys you peace of mind — and the earlier you can catch potential problems like high blood pressure...

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Beyond the finances: Understanding the true cost of debt

With COVID-19 impacting finances at all levels, much of the conversation over the past year and a half has surrounded increased spending (or decreased revenue) among governments, businesses, and individuals — and the debt each has taken on to make...

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What to teach kids about money, and when

Children and teenagers need better financial literacy training. That is a point everyone can agree on. Consensus is lacking, however, around just who should be providing it.

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How Do I Know I Am In Financial Trouble (MNP 3 Minute Debt Break)

The warning signs of personal financial trouble are everywhere. Knowing what they are and how to recognize them can be the difference between quickly recovering from one or two bad months and being trapped in a months or years-long battle with debt. ...

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Does Bankruptcy mean losing everything?

The most common concern for debtors contemplating a Bankruptcy is what they’ll have to give up to achieve a financial fresh start.

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Everyone has different interpretations of what is reasonable when it comes to budgeting and debt. Disagreements around spending priorities, what the household can afford, and long-term financial goals is a leading source of relationship conflict and,...

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Does your teenager want everything?

Being the parent of a teenager who wants everything all the time can be quite concerning for two reasons: One is the immediate drain on your own finances as you try to keep pace with their current desires. Second is the fear they may be in for a rude...

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Prepare For the Uncertain Future (MNP 3 Minute Debt Break)

It’s difficult to predict the future. But it’s particularly difficult to predict your financial future. After all, who has a crystal ball to tell them what the future holds? What if your car breaks down and it needs major repairs? What...

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