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MNP Debt Blog

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Can I file for bankruptcy if I am unemployed?

Over the course of the pandemic, many people lost their jobs and had to rely on unemployment benefits as a sole income, making it even more difficult to manage debt.

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How do I future-proof my small business in case of disaster or emergency?

Whether you run your business via a corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship, you cannot know when events in the future will have a significant impact to your business and cash flow.

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It’s always been difficult to plan for future financial challenges. But these days, the unforeseen seems to be a regular occurrence. No one has a crystal ball for global events let alone circumstances that are unpredictable in your personal world....

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10 Environmentally Friendly Ways to Save Money

Earth Day is a time to turn our attention to our personal consumption habits, and the impact we’re having on the environment. But consumption does not just leave an environmental footprint, it also leaves its mark on our finances. The good news...

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We’ve all heard the phrase “don’t put your all your eggs in one basket.” But what does it really mean? In the context of finances, and debt in particular, it means don’t rely on only one type of debt just the same as it means...

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Parents Giving Children Piggyback Ride On Walk By Lake

Seasons of Savings: Tips to Manage Your Budget This Spring

Spring is also a season of change; if you’re ready for a change, now is the time. Let us help you think about fresh ways you could be saving money this season.

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3 key tips for talking to your kids about money

Just like introducing the alphabet and numbers, it’s important for parents to have clear, accessible conversations around money, and healthy habits around finances.

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Can student loans be discharged in a Bankruptcy?

The following questions will help you determine whether your loans may be eligible for discharge in an insolvency proceeding. And, if they aren’t, how you can still get the financial relief you deserve.

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Discover the difference between bankruptcy and insolvency

Bankruptcy, insolvency — what's the difference — and, more importantly, which one will help you get the financial fresh start you need and deserve?

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The Payday Loan Trap

Almost all Canadians face financial hurdles to some degree or another — but few financial challenges are as costly or self-perpetuating as the misuse of payday loans. Understanding their intended purpose and affiliated risks is essential.

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