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MNP Debt Blog

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Filing Taxes The Inevitable Annual Event

A lot has changed over the past 200 years, but those two simple truths live on. Much as it may irk some, cost more to others and confuse many, filing taxes is the law, plain and simple.

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Exploring the Differences Between a Consumer Proposal and a Bankruptcy

In today’s constantly shifting economic landscape, many Canadian households are struggling to keep up from one payment to the next – let alone keep up with an ever-increasing cost of living.

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For people with minor or even moderate debt, the combination of a structured financial plan and a few temporary sacrifices can go a long way toward eliminating their burden.

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You Can't Hide From Your Creditors

One of the worst parts of having debt problems is dealing with the multiple phone calls from creditors and collection agencies looking for payment.

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Your credit cards are adding up. Add to that several other loans and lines of credit, and the complex juggling act of making your minimum payments can seem like a full-time job.

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I Cant Sell My House Because I Have Too Much Debt

A client recently came to me distraught and on the verge of tears. She had tried to sell her house, but couldn't close the sale. There was a lien registered against her property which prevented the transaction from moving forward.

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Will Filing For Bankruptcy Or Consumer Proposal Affect My Children

You've done everything you can to provide a good life for your family. You've worked hard to put a roof over their head, food on the table, clothing on their backs — to make sure they'll never want for anything.

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Are You Eligible For A Consumer Proposal?

When you are unable to meet your debts under the original terms you agreed to or even if you can repay your debts but not under the terms you originally agreed to, a Consumer Proposal may be a viable option.

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Do you have income tax debt and are you concerned about your ability to repay it?

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When eliminating debt, a Consumer Proposal just one of the options outside of bankruptcy. So how do the others stack up?

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