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MNP Debt Blog

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Thanksgiving is approaching. While some prepare to celebrate, you may be less confident about your ability to afford food and other items your family needs for the festivity.

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Every young Canadian needs the basic financial management skill to invest in their career, build a nest-egg for retirement and enjoy their lives free of unmanageable debt.

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What happens if I declare bankruptcy?

Filing for Bankruptcy is very emotional — and can be stressful — but what I can tell you is that a Licensed Insolvency Trustee can help!

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When a debt is statute-barred, it cannot be brought to court and legally enforced because too much time has passed.

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Life After Debt: Your Questions Answered

Congratulations! Now that your Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal is completed, you are in the next phase of taking control of your finances. Without debt, you now have the freedom and opportunity to make financial decisions based solely on your goals —...

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The Role of a Licensed Insolvency Trustee

A Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT) is an insolvency professional who has been licensed by the Superintendent of Bankruptcy in Canada to help individuals and businesses who are having difficulty paying their debt, administer Consumer Proposals and Bankruptcies...

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Tips for handling inflation to keep a balanced budget

Inflation is the measure of the rising price of certain goods and services. Statistics Canada measures it from month to month, based on a basket of goods that represents what a typical consumer would normally purchase.

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When Does a Full Payout Proposal Make Sense?

When you take on debt, the ideal scenario is always to pay it off in full, one way or another. Sometimes that goal becomes out of reach, which is why alternatives like bankruptcy and consumer proposals exist.

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The Bank of Canada (BoC) increased its policy interest rate by a full percentage point on July 13, 2022. It was the fourth increase to the overnight rate this year and the largest since 1998.

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What’s the difference between secured and unsecured debt?

Debt is a financial tool. And like any tool, it comes in many different shapes and sizes to fit its purpose.

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