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MNP Debt Blog

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Staying Debt Free This Winter

As fall breezes in, our thoughts start to focus on upcoming winter events and plans.

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Budgeting Tips For Major Purchases

Making a major purchase can be exciting or necessary, but it is also an expenditure that can get you in financial trouble, particularly if you don’t properly plan for the purchase.

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4 Ways To Eliminate Credit Card Debt

Many people experience the frustration that comes with trying to pay down – or ideally, off – their credit card bills each month. It can be difficult to see the majority of your monthly payment going towards high interest charges.

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Dealing With Debts Owed To Canada Revenue Agency

Individuals (and corporations) may find themselves in financial difficulty and Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) may be a creditor, possibly the largest creditor. This blog post will look at whether, and how, those debts can be included in a filing under the...

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14% Of Canadians With Debt Say They Will Never Pay It Off

In a recent poll conducted on behalf of CIBC, 14% of Canadians with debt say they will never pay it off.

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Under the new Family Law Act of BC, I am now considered a common-law spouse. Am I responsible for my common-law spouse’s debts?

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My question pertains to my spouse's debt. He has a government of Ontario Student Loan which he has not paid back in full yet - and it seems it's been some time since (he hasnt paid much to it in the 6 years we have been together - he has been graduated...

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Personal Income Tax Debt And Bankruptcy

I owe a debt to Revenue Canada for personal income taxes. Is this included in bankruptcy?

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Can Furniture Bought On A Credit Card Be Repossessed?

I purchased furniture on my credit card. If I go bankrupt, can my creditor repossess my furniture?

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Transferring Assets Before A Bankruptcy

How long before you file bankruptcy you are allowed to transfer asset? for example my 50% share of the house to my wife. could she buy it from me before I file bankruptcy? what happened if we get divorce?

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