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MNP Debt Blog

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Do You Have A Spending Addiction?

Most people with an addiction to spending do not realize the extent of their spending until their credit cards or lines of credit are maxed out and bill collectors start calling. A spending addiction can begin as early as childhood and may be caused...

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The origins of the fear factor

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What is an Informal Debt Settlement?

An informal debt settlement of debts is essentially a voluntary proposal between you and your creditors without judicial surety or the step by step support that comes from working with a licensed trustee.

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What Happens If You Retire Before Your Debts Have Retired?

Recent headlines indicate that more and more senior citizens are heading into retirement while still in debt. According to credit reporting agency reports, the average debt for consumers aged 65 and older has seen the largest year-over-year increase for...

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Teaching children financial responsibility

Teaching children about financial responsibility is important for every parent to do.

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It can be extremely daunting and frustrating when you are trying to pay down debt. Especially as you watch your balance decrease when a payment is made, only to see it go up again with interest charges, service fees, loan insurance premiums or even as...

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Mortgage Payment Growth

As an MNP LTD Trustee and a member of our Surrey, B.C Team, Judy Scott recently came across the following two articles in the Vancouver Sun and Huffington Post and felt it would be advantageous to our clients to respond.

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Dads have been around. They know what’s going on in the world even if we think we know more. Sometimes they sit us down and tell us what we should know. Other times, Dads give us advice without us realizing it. It comes to us in offhand comments or subtle...

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The credit card statements are neatly piled on the top of your desk waiting to be paid. All have different payment dates scattered throughout the month and collectively the payments are somewhat manageable but the interest rates are making it nearly impossible...

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Managing Your Debt – Tips, Traps & Options For Consolidating

Many people experience the difficulty of managing multiple debts and day-to-day expenses that can leave you feeling like you are barely getting by on a monthly basis.

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