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MNP Debt Blog

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While it’s perfectly natural to want to go ‘all out’ during the holiday season, it’s important to recognize the true cost of splurge spending.

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How To Scale Back Your Life And Better Manage Your Debt

Low interest rates and readily available credit have caught a lot of consumers in the trap of the ‘have now pay later’ trend. In fact, Canadian consumers are already spending 163% of their income.

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3 Pro Tips To Help Stamp Out Your Debt

Debt is often caused by life circumstances such as a job loss or a divorce, or simply by spending beyond your means.

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It’s that time of year again. It’s cold, and dark and wintertime. Nothing saws ‘reward me’ like a little shopping and getting yourself that special something to perk up your day.

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Trustees Offer Help For Canadians Feeling The Debt Pinch As Holiday Bills Arrive

January 18, 2016, CANADA – The third Monday in January has been dubbed Blue Monday; what can be for some the most depressing day of the year as the holiday bills arrive around this time.

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Christmas is upon us. It is time to plan for gifts, family gatherings and travel. Just like Santa Claus and his Elves, planning is a must and a credit card can be an important part of your tool box.

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7 Tips To Help You Spend Responsibly This Holiday Season

It is hard to believe that Christmas is only two weeks away, but step into any retail establishment and you’ll be sure to notice the holiday displays and buzz.

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Learn From Those Smart, Stingy Boomers and Think Before You Spend

As we head into the holidays, it's all too easy to watch the spending add up. Between holiday parties, decorations, groceries and gifts - the dollars leaving your account (or worse, going onto credit) can become overwhelming.

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Ontario Debt Rules

New rules in Ontario to better protect consumers from unscrupulous debt settlement companies come into force this week, but bankruptcy trustees says those in financial trouble seeking help still need to be cautious.

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Cyber Monday And Black Friday

While Black Friday and Cyber Monday used to be predominantly American shopping events, Canadian consumers and retailers have gotten right on board in recent years.

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