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MNP Debt Blog

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Gambling Debt? Recovery Is Possible

I recently worked with a retired and widowed client who came to MNP inquiring about possible debt solutions. He owed more than $120,000 on various credit cards and lines of credit which he was frightened he could never pay back in his lifetime.

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It's the Thought that Counts: Think Affordable this Valentine's Day

According to legend, Saint Valentine of Rome restored sight to his jailer’s blind daughter on the evening before his execution. The following morning, he wrote her a farewell letter and signed it ‘Your Valentine’ – kicking off a centuries-long tradition...

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Holiday Hangover and The January Debt Cure

Another new year is upon us, and with that comes a fresh batch of resolutions.

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Who needs an emergency fund?

​Of course, this is a trick question… Everyone needs an emergency fund.

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Will Rising Interest Rates Affect Me?

The Bank of Canada has raised interest rates five times since July 2017 after going nearly a decade without an increase.

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Are Your Old Debts Back To Haunt You?

As humans, we’re pretty good at ignoring problems we can’t or don’t want to deal with, hoping they’ll eventually go away.

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What Can I Expect At A Consultation?

Scheduling and attending a Free Confidential Consultation with an MNP Licensed Insolvency Trustee is the first step to changing your financial future.

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If you’re struggling to control your debt, you know the vicious cycle it can become.

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Should I Get Another Card To Pay Off My Debt?

If you’re struggling to pay down your credit card debt, it may be tempting to apply for another (ideally lower rate) card which you can transfer your balance to or take advantage of special promotions offered by your bank.

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As Canadians struggle with record-high consumer debt, employers have plenty of reason to worry.

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