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MNP Debt Blog

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Is being debt-free good for your credit report?

What you learn about how credit reporting and scoring works, what you can do to improve your credit, and common debt habits which may be helping or hindering your progress may just save your credit — and save you a few dollars every month.

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What happens to your credit rating when things aren’t going well?

Many people are concerned about their credit rating. After all, this may determine whether you qualify for a mortgage or a car loan — and possibly even whether you get the apartment you’ve applied to lease.

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Can I negotiate interest rates?

When applying for credit, most people believe they must accept whatever interest rate a lender is willing to give them. But that’s not always the case. Beyond shopping around for competitive rates, it never hurts to ask whether a lender is flexible...

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Financial health tips for millennials

Are you a millennial? This generation is quickly rising to dominance in Canada, representing a highly influential age range of 25 to 40 years and comprising more than a quarter of the population.

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The collection agents are calling. How do I make it stop?

Are you in a situation where you’ve fallen behind on your debts and now the account is in collections? As if the stress of your mounting bills wasn’t bad enough, now you’re worried there’s a collections agent lurking behind every...

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The illusion of good credit

People are often hesitant to file a Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal for fear of ruining their credit. They reason they must have excellent credit because they‘ve always made their monthly minimum payments on time.

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Should I check my credit score before speaking to a professional?

Should I use a line of credit to pay off my debts?

That’s a good question, and one that might produce some surprising answers. There’s no one size fits all solution to debt.

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Ive Decided To Get Credit Again How Do I Manage It

This is the second in a two-part series about responsible credit management after an insolvency.

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Life After Debt: I've Decided To Get Credit Again, How Do I Manage It?

Securing new credit is a polarizing decision for people who have completed a Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal.

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