Survey Results April 2018
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According to a recent Ipsos poll conducted by MNP LTD., Canadians’ pocketbooks are continuing to get lighter as a result of recent interest rate increases. The latest results from the quarterly survey indicate a worsening situation foreshadows more trouble ahead. Up five percent over the last six months, more than two in eight (43%) Canadians say they’ve felt the pinch of higher interest payments, and more than half (51%) are now concerned past and future hikes could impact their ability to repay their debts. Also up five percent, a full third of Canadians now believe this trend could push them towards bankruptcy.

Details behind MNP’s Consumer Debt Index, along with our provincial and national news releases can be found below.
MNP Press Releases
National: Trouble Ahead: Canadians Increasingly Feeling the Impact of Higher Interest Rates
B.C.: British Columbians Increasingly Feeling the Impact of Higher Interest Rates
Alberta: Albertans Increasingly Feeling the Impact of Higher Interest Rates
Saskatchewan: Saskatchewans Increasingly Feeling the Impact of Higher Interest Rates
Manitoba: Manitobans Increasingly Feeling the Impact of Higher Interest Rates
Ontario: Ontarians Increasingly Feeling the Impact of Higher Interest Rates
Atlantic: Atlantic Canadians Increasingly Feeling the Impact of Higher Interest Rates