Survey Results April 2018


According to a recent Ipsos poll conducted by MNP LTD., Canadians’ pocketbooks are continuing to get lighter as a result of recent interest rate increases. The latest results from the quarterly survey indicate a worsening situation foreshadows more trouble ahead. Up five percent over the last six months, more than two in eight (43%) Canadians say they’ve felt the pinch of higher interest payments, and more than half (51%) are now concerned past and future hikes could impact their ability to repay their debts. Also up five percent, a full third of Canadians now believe this trend could push them towards bankruptcy.

Glasses on a pad of paper with calculations. A pen sits on the pad of paper and there is a calculator on the side

Details behind MNP’s Consumer Debt Index, along with our provincial and national news releases can be found below.

MNP Press Releases

National: Trouble Ahead: Canadians Increasingly Feeling the Impact of Higher Interest Rates
B.C.: British Columbians Increasingly Feeling the Impact of Higher Interest Rates
Alberta: Albertans Increasingly Feeling the Impact of Higher Interest Rates
Saskatchewan: Saskatchewans Increasingly Feeling the Impact of Higher Interest Rates
Manitoba: Manitobans Increasingly Feeling the Impact of Higher Interest Rates
Ontario: Ontarians Increasingly Feeling the Impact of Higher Interest Rates
Atlantic: Atlantic Canadians Increasingly Feeling the Impact of Higher Interest Rates

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According to a new survey conducted by Ipsos on behalf of MNP LTD, two in five Atlantic Canadians acknowledge they need help to get out of debt (43%).

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MNP Consumer Debt Index Lifestyle Debt Debt Solutions

According to a new survey conducted by Ipsos on behalf of MNP LTD, three in 10 (29%) Saskatchewan and Manitoba residents acknowledge they need help to get out of debt. 

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