MNP Consumer Debt Index July 2019 Results Summary
Canadians Wary and Embarrassed About Seeking Debt Relief
Canadians who find themselves in serious financial trouble could be digging themselves into a deeper hole by not seeking help when they need it. A new survey conducted by Ipsos on behalf of MNP LTD, shows almost half of Canadians (46%) say they would be embarrassed to get help if their financial situation was bad enough to consider bankruptcy. One-third (31%) of survey respondents say the stigma surrounding bankruptcy prevents them from seeking help.

More than 60 percent (61%) of Canadians who rate their personal debt situation as bad and more than half (54%) who are financially insolvent say they would be embarrassed to ask for help if their financial situation was serious enough to consider bankruptcy.
Debt Index Results July 2019
Press Releases
- National: Canadians Wary and Embarrassed About Seeking Debt Relief
- B.C.: Number of British Columbians Within $200 of Insolvency Every Month Jumps Five Points Since March
- Ontario: Ontarians Wary and Embarrassed About Seeking Debt Relief
- Saskatchewan: Saskatchewan and Manitoba Residents Wary and Embarrassed About Seeking Debt Relief
- Alberta: Albertans Wary and Embarrassed About Seeking Debt
- Atlantic: Atlantic Canadians Wary and Embarrassed About Seeking Debt Relief
- Manitoba: Manitoba and Saskatchewan Residents Wary and Embarrassed About Seeking Debt Relief