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The road to becoming debt-free starts with a free confidential consultation with an MNP Licensed Insolvency Trustee.

You’ve got overdue bills and expenses, tried budgeting or cutting back, but nothing’s quite working to get you out of the cycle of debt. If this sounds familiar, there are other options to help you take control of your finances and become debt-free. At MNP, we will look at all of your options with you to discover which solution will work best for your individual situation.

Below are some free, downloadable forms that will help you stay out of debt once and for all.

Please contact us if you would like to speak with a MNP professional to explain these forms and assess your financial situation.

Budget Tracker spreadsheet screen grab

MNP Budget Tracker Spreadsheet

Consumer budgeting involves a few things: planning out your paycheques and where / how to spend them, planning for the usual monthly expenses and planning for irregular or annual expenses. All these steps help to avoid or reduce your debt and hopefully prevent you from having to look at debt consolidation options.

Creating a spending plan starts with knowing where you are at now. If you’re uncertain as to what your current monthly or annual expenses are, it will be tough to know where to make any changes. Step one would be to write out what your current income and expenses are, or at least your best estimate for now. That’s a huge start. Maybe this involves saving receipts for a month or two to get an idea. To help with this, we have a helpful Budget Worksheet for you to use.

Budget Tracker spreadsheet

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