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MNP Debt Blog

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We've been out of bankrupcy now since April 29th 2010. I was told we would get back our GST checks that they kept during. When approx will it take to get the money backafter thier discharge?

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My question is, I have a son who is 18, he lives at home and is in his last year of high school, he has a part time job and the money that he earns doesn't contribute to our home at all, it's his spending money for clothes and his entertainment. Would...

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Retailer Bankruptcy

If a retailer files for bankruptcy, and there is stock on his premises that has been sold and paid for but not picked up,will the owner of those item(s) be able to claim them, with proof of purchase?

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Relationship Breakdown And Debt What To Do There Are Options

The process of ending a relationship or going through a divorce is, most times, never easy. It can be stressful and confusing to sort through all the different moving parts. And the decisions you make today can have long-term effects. Adding to that stress...

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We are locked into a 5 year mortgage, with 3 years remaining. Want to sell house to Real Estate Investors called in Calgary. Do you think this is legit???

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Reduce Your Debt Reduce Your Stress

It’s no secret that financial struggles can be a major contributor to stress and can dramatically affect not only your mental health and emotional well-being, but your physical health as well.

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Record Debt And Rising Interest Rates Fuel Worry Among Canadians

After a near decade long streak of low borrowing costs and easy credit from banks, Canadians are carrying record levels of debt.

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As of May 20, 2016, Saskatchewan had the highest delinquency rate in the country. Given how significantly Saskatchewan and Alberta have been hit by the oil slump, this doesn’t necessarily come as a surprise to financial strategists and advisors throughout...

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MNP’s Vicky Samuels recently spoke with Discover Airdrie about the increase in bankruptcies throughout Alberta as household incomes continue to waiver across the board.

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Over the past several years, the debt settlement industry in Ontario has received a significant amount of criticism, much of it highly deserved.

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