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MNP Debt Blog

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Financial Scams (MNP 3 Minute Debt Break)

Financial scams have been around for decades. But they have never been as common and invasive as they are today. The internet, online banking and countless other technologies have enabled fraudsters to invade people’s lives and trick them into handing...

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The Financial Challenges of Becoming a Parent

Parenthood happens differently for everyone. You can plan it carefully or it can be a surprise. You can share the experience with a partner or you can go it alone. But it will always change your life forever.

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COVID (MNP 3 Minute Debt Break)

The COVID-19 pandemic has shut down businesses, shaken the global economy and caused large job losses across the country. Thousands of Canadians are taking advantage of federal support measures and many are considering additional ideas to slow all the...

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It’s not something we’ve heard a lot of lately… but there is some financial optimism many Canadians are experiencing. It’s the financial “upside” to the pandemic thanks to relief measures and reduced spending.

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Moving away from home? Prepare for unexpected expenses

Moving away from home is an exciting, albeit bittersweet experience. You’ve got a world of freedom and opportunity ahead of you. But the brand-new costs and responsibilities can also feel quite daunting.

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When individuals can no longer service their debt, it creates significant issues for both the borrower — who may find themselves in an ever-worsening cycle of debt — and their lender(s) who are having trouble recovering the money owed to them....

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The youth of today face a wide range of financial challenges that were mostly unheard of just a generation ago. The cost of rent, real estate, post secondary tuition and consumer products are all largely outpacing inflation. The thought of purchasing...

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Should I use a line of credit to pay off my debts?

That’s a good question, and one that might produce some surprising answers. There’s no one size fits all solution to debt.

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A new poll by Ipsos carried out on behalf of MNP LTD has found that more than half (53%) of Albertans are still experiencing disruption to either their own work situation or that of someone else in their household in the form of lay-offs, reduced pay,...

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Over the past few months, various financial relief measures from government, banks, and businesses have helped cushion the financial blow of the pandemic for many Canadian households. As these measures evolve or come to an end, the pandemic is still impacting...

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