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MNP Debt Blog

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3 key tips for talking to your kids about money

Just like introducing the alphabet and numbers, it’s important for parents to have clear, accessible conversations around money, and healthy habits around finances.

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Can student loans be discharged in a Bankruptcy?

The following questions will help you determine whether your loans may be eligible for discharge in an insolvency proceeding. And, if they aren’t, how you can still get the financial relief you deserve.

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Six Reasons Why You Should Switch Banks When Filing a Proposal or Bankruptcy

In this installment, we’ll discuss why you should close your account because the bank is aware of your filing, and they continue to take payments from your account.

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Interest rates are rising - how will you keep up?

The persistent rise in interest rates will have varying effects on your finances but how will you navigate this challenge?

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With the New Year fast approaching, it’s a great time to reflect upon your progress in 2022 and set goals for 2023. Our team has been working hard all year to provide our audience with tips to help you achieve your financial goals.

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These articles have helped hundreds of people through the year, but we’ve compiled 10 of the most read ones to ease you into a debt-free life in the new year.

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Five ways you can rebuild your credit score

Your credit score reflects your ability to meet certain financial requirements such as qualifying for or paying back a loan or getting good interest rates.

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How to budget when you’re living paycheque to paycheque

You already know the many benefits of skilled money management. The fact you’re reading this blog post says at least that much. Your challenge, like for most households, is how to navigate the seemingly infinite demands on your frustratingly finite...

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Loved ones and debt: how to broach the subject

According to separate surveys conducted in Canada and the United States, discussing the topic of personal debt was ranked by some participants as a bigger taboo than topics like politics, religion, and marital problems.

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