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Get a Free Confidential Consultation

The road to becoming debt-free starts with a free confidential consultation with an MNP Licensed Insolvency Trustee.

Personal Bankruptcy

When you’re overwhelmed by crushing debt, a personal bankruptcy will provide a fresh start and could be the Life-Changing Debt Solution you’re looking for. Choosing to file for bankruptcy is a serious decision which may not be for everyone.

Debt Scale rating low

Take the assessment

Learn more about your debt health by answering 14 questions. Use the MNP Debt Scale to better understand your relationship with debt, identify challenges, and offer solutions. The assessment is completely confidential, takes only five minutes of your time, and provides personalized outcomes suited to your unique situation.

Consumer Proposal

We understand why you’re worried. You have debt, but you may also have assets you wish to keep and the idea of filing for bankruptcy is terrifying. You’re thinking about long-term financial impacts and wondering how to avoid them. If this sounds like you, a Consumer Proposal may be just the Life-Changing Debt Solution you’re looking for.

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Myth-Busting Consumer Proposals (MNP 3 Minute Debt Break)

Consumer Proposal

Debt can be a heavy burden, and exploring a consumer proposal can feel daunting. It's natural to seek information online or talk to loved ones during this stressful time. Research is a good first step, but be cautious – online sources can be unreliable, and even well-meaning advice from friends or family might be inaccurate. Many people have misconceptions about consumer proposals before meeting with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT) for the first time. But you need to know… LITs are there to answer your questions and set the record straight.

Let's tackle three common myths about Consumer Proposals to help you make the right decision.

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